Friday, February 26, 2010

Post-Holiday Dieting

Now that the holidays are over and the New Year has started, lots of us begin to worry about our weight. While fad diets or crash diets are not a good idea, when you are breastfeeding (or any time at all, REALLY!) A slow weight loss of ½ lb a week or less is fine. This works out to two pounds a month and can be accomplished by cutting down slightly what you eat or exercising more. The trick is to eat slightly less and still feel satisfied, not hungry and grouchy.

Plan what you eat – particularly when you are nursing, you need regular meals and snacks. Make a list of daily snacks and post it on your fridge. That way when you are hungry and “looking” for something to eat you won’t be tempted to binge. Try to sit down and enjoy your meal, because you will be satisfied longer than eating while multi-tasking. Somehow, it doesn’t count as eating if you do it while watching TV or working in front of the computer – so later you want to eat again.

Choose snacks with strong flavors- Research has shown that foods with stronger flavors are more satisfying. For example dark chocolate is more satisfying than milk chocolate – so an evening snack of low fat milk and a dark chocolate square feels more satisfying for most than just milk by itself or hot chocolate. Baked chips with a spicier than usual salsa is another tip for punching up the flavor and salsa has fewer calories than melted cheese.

Slow down eating – It takes a while, almost 20 minutes, for your stomach to signal your brain that it is full. Drink a glass of water when you start preparing meals, this jump starts the 20 minute waiting period to communicate “fullness” from your stomach to your brain. Eat your meals out of smaller bowls and plates because it tricks eyes into thinking that you are eating more than you really are. The same size serving on a small plate looks bigger than one on a big plate. Use a salad fork to eat your meal because it requires you to take more bites and smaller bites. So this makes you eat slower and gives you time to feel full.

The other part of the weight loss equation is exercising more. You can incorporate your baby into your exercise routine. It is a great way to “play” with your baby and can also be a great bonding experience for you and your baby. Here are some exercise ideas for you and your baby:

· Do crunches with your baby face up on your belly, but be sure to support the baby’s head with your hands. You can make funny faces at your baby to make it fun for them too.

· Dance with your baby to different music that you and your baby enjoy.

· Lay your baby on the floor with their back on a towel or mat and get into push-up position. Do a push up and when you go down rub your baby’s nose or make a funny face.

· The “bouncing bridge” could be done by lying on your back, placing your baby on your stomach and lifting your buttocks into the air. This causes a bouncing effect for your baby.

· Lie on your back, and hold your baby in your hands above your head. You can lift your baby into the air, like an airplane and make an airplane noise. You could also do this by standing up. This will be a great work out for your arms.

· Take your baby for a walk in the stroller. You can go around the block at your house if the weather is nice or head to the mall and walk around with your baby. This is a great way for you to fit cardio into your day.

For more tips check out: Ten habits to healthy eating!

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