About Our Research

Be a Participant

Are you a nursing mother interested in participating in our research? 

Maternal Dietary Nutrients and Neurotoxins in Infant Cognitive Development

The purpose of the research study is to try and establish a connection between infant nutrition and development. Participants must be either pregnant or new mothers of healthy infants younger than three months of age who either are, or are planning on, primarily breast-feeding. In this research study, we will collect three types of information from you and your baby: (1) questionnaire information about your family, your prenatal care, and your and your baby’s diets, (2) a sample of milk and blood from you (not from your baby) when your baby is 3 months of age, and (3) measures of your baby’s physical growth and mental development taken when he/she is 3, 6, and 9 months old. You will be paid $40 for the 3-month visit and $25 each for the 6- and 9-month visits. If you are taking a class at OSU that offers research credit, you will paid and you will receive 1 credit for each hour of participation (½ credit for each ½ hour or less). To find out more about the research study, you may contact:

Dr. David G. Thomas
Department of Psychology
(405) 744-7078
david.thomas@okstate.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dr. Tay S. Kennedy
Department of Nutritional Sciences
(405) 744-5965
ktay@okstate.eduThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

For more information regarding this project, click here.